Thursday, January 29, 2009

Unemployed life

After working at Quiksilver for 1 year and 5 months me along with 149 other people were laid off on Tuesday. I am so bummed. I loved my job. It was the greatest place to work. Lots of nice fun people. Lots of cool activities and just an all around great place to work. It was a job that I was actually excited to get up for in the morning because I never knew what kind of excitement there was going to be. unemployed

I have only been off for 2 days and I am already losing my mind. I hate not working. I wake up check for any job postings then sit and wonder what the heck am I going to do with myself? Not working is so boring!

Maybe I need to become a mom like the rest of you and that will give me something to do during the day... HAHA just kidding. I am not even ready for that yet.

Anyway I am feeling kind of down in the dumps since I am now officially on the unemployment boat with the rest of the thousands of people California.
I figured it would help to write my thoughts down and it definitely has.

I am going to think that like I am going to get a new job and I will get one. I am sure of It!!

I hope every one has a great day.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I am new to this

Thanks Jamie for introducing me to blogging. I love reading all your blogs. It keeps me entertained at work lol. I will try and get something good up for you to read when I get some time.